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National Debt Relief


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National DR (NDR) is a debt management company.

They work with your creditors on your behalf to stop interest from accumulating and settle your debts at a fraction of what you owe on your accounts.

Is National DR legitimate? Yes – NDR is an accredited company, and one of the top debt management companies in the U.S. In this review, you can read real customer reviews below, compare National Debt to Freedom Debt, and read the pros and cons of NDR.

No Upfront Fees

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National Debt is ranked #3 for a reason: it is one of the few companies to work with some types of unsecured debt, has no upfront fees, and great customer reviews.

National DR Cost

There are no upfront fees (which is typical for the industry). They also promise to not charge any cancellation fees and do not charge monthly payments. National DR will not charge customers until their debt management problem is resolved.

They charge an average of 18-25% of the amount you saved after your debt has been settled for management services.

Working with National DR you could pay anywhere between 18-25% of the debt you settle as a monthly payment (this is on top of what you pay your creditors).

However, depending on how much National DR can settle your debts for, you could potentially pay 30% less on your debts.

It’s important to know that any debt management program, not just NDR, will have an immediate negative impact on your credit score.

Your credit score takes a hit because you must become delinquent on your accounts.

National Debt Customer Reviews

National DR is rated 4.5/5 by consumers on BestCompany.com; Freedom DR is rated 4.7/5.

Positive National Debt reviews include comments about the company’s quality of service and other positives:

  • Excellent customer service.
  • Quality debt negotiation results.
  • Lengthy process but worth the results.

Common complaints among National Debt reviews include:

  • Being passed off between employees.
  • Being treated well during enrollment and then the quality dropping once the debt management process actually starts.

The company provides an online dashboard to help clients keep track of their debt management program, but customers have still said they feel disconnected from the debt management process.

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Is National Debt a Good Company?

Yes, National Debt is one of the best debt management companies in the industry.

National Debt Experience

National Debt provides various services including credit card debt management services, debt management services, credit counseling and more.

They have consistently shown a willingness to give customers the best service for their specific financial situation.

National Debt is a debt management company. Debt management companies work with your creditors on your behalf to negotiate a lower overall amount due. The program follows these basic steps:

  1. Call National Debt for a free consultation to see if debt management is right for your particular financial situation
  2. If you sign up with NDR, will ask you to stop making your monthly payments (if you haven’t already)
  3. Set aside the money you would pay for your accounts in a separate savings account. The more money you can accumulate, the faster you can pay off your debts.
  4. NDR will be the point of contact with your creditors. After several months of no payments, NDR will negotiate a lower amount owed with individual creditors (credit card companies, medical bill collectors, personal loan companies, etc).
  5. NDR gives the example of their customers paying 30% less than what is owed. For example, if you owe $10,000 on your CitiBank credit card, you may end up paying $7,000.
  6. You’ll go through this process with each of your creditors until you are debt-free. On average, this takes 2-4 years.


The National Debt program, and company, is accredited by the AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts) and IAPDA (International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators). They also comply with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).


National Debt is the #3 debt management company out of 47 total companies. It has earned accreditations from all of the top accreditation organizations in the country.

National Debt Service Quality

Customer reviews refer to National Debt’s service in a very positive light.

Like many debt management companies, NDR has a minimum debt requirement.

National Debt’s services are also only available to those with at least $7,500 of debt.

Debt consolidators are not operating in the following states: CT, GA, IL, KS, ME, NH, OR, SC, VT, and WV.

Money-Back Guarantee

National Debt allows customers to cancel services at any time and gives them the option of a money-back guarantee if they’re not happy with the debt management plan or service they received.

The National Debt program does include a 100% money-back guarantee.

A money-back guarantee is a promising offer from a debt management company. It shows that they stand by the work they do.

If you don’t see results, you can receive a refund.

This type of money-back guarantee is great for those who are worried about experiencing further financial hardship.

Debt Education Tools

This company offers many resources and tools to help individuals with current and future debt problems, which ultimately improves their overall financial situation.

We do, however, wish that the training they offer were more organized to help facilitate better financial learning.

They offer FAQ pages, calculator tools, budgets spreadsheets, and more. Some of the topics that the company covers with these resources include how debt management can affect your credit score.

We would like to see them organize it into more of a mini school to help customers move through the information more smoothly. Increased direction would be a very valuable service.

National Debt Debt Types

National Debt works with some secured debts whereas other debt management companies won’t. National Debt offers debt management mainly to customers with unsecured debt such as credit cards, personal loans, and lines of credit, medical bills, collections and repossessions, and business debt. They will work with creditors on a small, few certain secured loans like totaled car debt, some student loan debt, and a second mortgage on a foreclosed home. They do not offer management services for average secured debt.

Our Recommendation

Unlike some other debt management companies, National Debt does not charge any additional fees including upfront fees, monthly payments, or cancellation fees.

The company explains that customers doing start paying for services until their debt problems are solved.

National Debt also offers a money-back guarantee, has plenty of industry accreditations, works with some secured debt, and has an online dashboard that clients can use to check their debt management program progress.

Additionally, National Debt offers several other professional debt services including credit counseling services, credit card debt management services, and debt management services.

While your credit score will take a hit when you start the management process, your other options (bankruptcy and making minimum payments forever) will also negatively impact your credit score.

If you are interested in National Debt services, we encourage you to call them and see how much you could save at 1-844-290-8984 or get a free quote online.

No Upfront Fees

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Questions About National Debt

Are There Any Upfront Fees?

No. National Debt does not charge any upfront fees. All payments are required after the debt has been settled.

Can I Get A Consultation?

Yes, all consultations are free from National Debt.

Does Debt Management Hurt My Credit Score?

Yes, debt management will hurt your credit score. Because debt management is the process of leveraging a debtor’s ability to pay with the willingness of debt collectors to allow for partial repayment, debtors are encouraged to withhold/miss payments to pool their money.

Missing payments leads to a lower credit score.

However, it also signifies to the debt collector that the debtor may not be able to pay the full amount.

Does National Debt Offer A Money-Back Guarantee?

Yes. NDR offers customers a 100% money-back guarantee if they’re not happy with the debt management plan or service they received.

What Types of Debt Does National Debt Work With?

National Debt works with all unsecured debt types and is one of only a few debt management companies to accept some secured debt types.

What is the Minimum Debt They Accept?


Is National Debt Accredited?

Yes, National Debt is accredited by all major debt accreditation organizations.

How We Rank

We employ a qualified debt companies expert to rank and review debt companies.

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